Team Lank Is Always First Responder Hazmat Certified!
On October 22, 2016 a portion of Team Lank went for their First Responder Operations Level Training for Hazardous Materials at Cliff Berry, Inc. It is required by the USCG that we take this certification course every 3 years. The class was attended by fuel truck drivers Todd Antonucci, Ruben Zulata, Juan Ledesma, Mark Bernard and Greg Vaughn as well as dispatcher Art Arias and VP of Sales Kristene Lundblad. Training sessions are held routinely to ensure all team members remain certified.
USCG Inspection at Lank Oil Passed with Flying Colors!
On October 27, 2016 Lank Oil had their annual inspection by members of the United States Coast Guard. During the inspection they check the trucks and hoses, question a drivers, look at records and checks that the Facility Response Plan and Operations Manuals have been updated in accordance with USCG regulations. Lank Oil was found to have No Deficiencies. Way to go Team Lank!
Winterfest White Party 2016
Lank Oil is happy to support and be a sponsor of the Ft. Lauderdale Winterfest Boat Parade! Kristene Lundblad and George Tokesky attended the Winterfest White Party on October 28th at the Marriott Harbor Beach. The Grand Marshall of the 2016 Winterfest parade was announced at the party to be Pitbull.
Lank Oil attends the Ft. Lauderdale International Boat Show
The Ft. Lauderdale International Boat Show began on Thursday, November 3, 2016 with its Prime Time Preview Day. Kristene Lundblad from Lank Oil attended the show and walked with docks with George M. Tokesky and Howard O’Donnell, yacht hopping and passing cards! They attended the US Superyacht Association Kickoff Party at the show as well.
We LOVE Our Customers!
Lank Oil is now certified to deliver fuel in the Port of Miami! Thank you to our friends at Eller-ito!
2016 Boys & Girls Clubs Yacht Rendezvous at Fisher Island
K.Lundblad & George Tokesky
his event began on Thursday, November 10th with a yacht hop at the marina. Guests sipped drinks and had dinner on the docks while taking tours of 9 private megayachts. There was a madhatter themed party on Friday night and the grand formal gala was Saturday night. Huey Lewis and the News were the entertainment after a silent and live auction. All proceeds benefited the Boys & Girls Clubs of Broward County.